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My transcript is blank!

You've uploaded your file and checked your transcript but it's empty! Take a look here to find out what happened and what you can do.

Oana M avatar
Written by Oana M
Updated over a year ago

The most common reason for this is the language selected when the file was uploaded was different to the actual language spoken in the file.

The good news is that this is super easy to fix! πŸŽ‰

All you need to do is re-upload the file and ensure the correct Language Spoken has been selected in the uploader, just like in the screenshot below:

Don't worry about being double-charged. When you re-upload your files for our Machine-generated Service, our system recognises this and won't charge you a second time.

I've tried this and my transcript is still blank.

If after all this, your transcript is still blank, you are probably using an outdated version of Internet Explorer. To get the full experience, we suggest using :
- Chrome (Chrome can be downloaded here)
- Firefox
- Opera
- Edge

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