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Glossaries 101

Find out all about our glossaries, designed to maintain consistency effortlessly!

Oana M avatar
Written by Oana M
Updated over a week ago

At Happy Scribe, we support glossaries in a single language but also translation glossaries with a source language paired with one or multiple target languages.

Why should I use a glossary?

Glossaries are a great way to boost the quality of your files for both our automatic and human-reviewed services. Use glossaries to ensure words not found in the dictionary are transcribed accurately (e.g. proper nouns, acronyms or industry/company-specific terminology), saving you valuable review time.

Additionally, you can add glossary terms to clarify words that are difficult to translate or can have multiple correct translations. It will ensure consistency, and quality, and optimise linguists’ research time in the case of human-made services.

Where can I find my glossaries?

You can find them by clicking on "Glossaries" at the bottom left of your Dashboard:

Create a glossary during file upload

Once you’ve uploaded a file:

  • Click on Glossary

  • Select +Add new

  • Create a name for your glossary

  • Select the language matching that of your audio file

  • Add words manually or copy words (or a list of words) from an external glossary

  • Optionally, add notes with context for the linguists to take into account (human-made services)

  • If you want a translation, add the corresponding terms in the target language

    • You can add multiple target languages if you are on the Business plan

  • Click Save

Create a glossary from the Dashboard

You can either import your own or create it on the platform:

  • By clicking on "Import", you will be able to upload your own CSV or download our sample template for you to fill in:

  • Click on +Add glossary

  • Create a name for your glossary

  • Select the language matching that of your audio file

  • Add words manually or copy words (or a list of words) from an external glossary

  • Optionally, add notes with context for the linguists to take into account (human-made services)

  • If you want a translation, add the corresponding terms in the target language

    • You can only add multiple target languages if you are on the Business plan

  • Click Save

💡 Only if you are on the Business plan will you be able to:

  1. Create more than 1 glossary

  2. Have more than 1 workspace default glossary

  3. Apply as many glossaries as you want to your upload

  4. For translation, add as many target languages as needed

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